Sleeping Bear Naturally

Protecting the sensitive ecosystems of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore

Sleeping Bear Naturally is a group of nature lovers seeking to encourage Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore to preserve and protect the natural resources of the Sleeping Bear area, as the National Park Service mission mandates.

In providing recreational access, the Lakeshore’s natural features should be protected intact, not impacted by development.

Sleeping Bear Naturally is a group of like-minded individuals who believe the Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail should not impact unique environmental ecosystems and should utilize low-impact alternatives for visitors to experience nature without altering the natural features.

Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail

Understand the proposed Heritage Trail Route - Segment 9

The National Park Service and TART Trails have proposed a 4.25 mile extension of the existing 22 mile long Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail in the Little Traverse Lake region of Leelanau County, Michigan

Segment 9 Heritage Trail Staking

Be aware of the environmental impacts

Several unique ecosystems exist along the proposed Segment 9 Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail route. It is important to understand how the proposed trail impacts the environment.

Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail Construction

Be informed of trail construction designs

The proposed Segment 9 Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail requires excessive construction designs due to the environmental challenges. It’s prudent to know how construction designs will alter the wilderness.

retaining wall Heritage Trail

Evaluate the costs

Every project has a price tag and understanding the costs is important part of fiscal responsibility in building Segment 9 of the Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail. Environment-Cost-Benefit analysis is a critical part of evaluating community options.

Leelanau Scenic Heritage Route Trailway Plan and Environmental Assessment

The National Park Service is required to follow requirements of the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) when completing Segment 9 of the Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail. Learn about the accuracy of the 2009 Environmental Assessment.

Follow governmental and legal requirements

Pyramid Point Trail in Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore

Consider the alternatives

There are always better ways to accomplish the same goals. Considering the alternatives is a legal requirement for every National Park Service project and the public has a voice in those decisions.

Environmental Impact Heritage Trail

Read the community news

Public information, media coverage and community forums are all a dynamic part of the trail planning process. Check out some of those views.

Sign our petition

Let your voice be heard

Sign our petition to decision makers. Your voice can make a difference and together we can speak volumes. Share your thoughts and comments with decision makers as you sign our petition.

Connect, Communicate and Create something better together

A community is healthy when people come together to share ideas and listen to each other, Then our world becomes a better place for future generations. Engage with those around you.

“Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children's children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.”

— Theodore Roosevelt

When a community comes together to share ideas and listen to each other, our world becomes a better place for future generations.

Let’s connect, communicate, and create something better.